Learn More About 4 Weeks For Every Body and The 4 Week Gut Protocol
How Sweet Magnolias is Unknowingly Contributing to the Opioid Epidemic
The Best Hand and Finger Stretches For Athletes, Gamers, Guitar and Piano Players
This video will help with:
Hand and finger stretches to improve flexibility
Finger sprains that have resulted in decreased mobility
Finger stretches for guitar players and gamers
Finger stretches for trigger finger
Finger stretches for climbers and piano players
Potential relief of hand, wrist and finger pain
Quick Self Massage To Improve Shoulder Flexibility | Shoulder Mobility Self Massage
Have you ever wondered how to improve your shoulder flexibility and mobility? Maybe you've been stretching for what seems like forever and you still can't get your arms over your head.
Did you know that decreases in shoulder flexibility and mobility can increase your risk for shoulder impingement, neck pain, and rotator cuff tears?
This specific technique can help improve your shoulder flexibility in minutes at home without any equipment by releasing the anterior fibers of your serratus anterior muscle. Get ready for your mind to be blown. Perfect for athletes, weekend warriors, people with desk jobs, and circus artists/aerialists.
Pelvic Floor Relaxation Exercise | For Pelvic Pain, Pain With Sex, Incontinence
How To Use A Massage Stick For Neck Pain and Tightness | Tiger Tail Massage Stick Tutorial For Neck
My Boyfriend Never Said I Love You And I Married Him Anyway
There are a lot of ways that a person can be loved and show love. In America, it’s often not culturally acceptable to be in a loving relationship without saying the words, “I Love You,” to each other. Here is my story of how I married my boyfriend even though he never said I love you and ways you can survive and even thrive in a relationship if your boyfriend won’t say I love you.
Everything You Want To Know About Job 1 By Jennifer Jacobs
Here are all the details about Beachbody’s newest program for winter 2021: Job 1 by Jennifer Jacobs which is releasing in December 2021. Job 1 is a 20 minute workout 4 week program that includes cardio, strength training, and optional cycling workouts, which can be accessed with a beachbody on demand subscription or trialed via the free job 1 sample workout linked in the post. Updated as new information becomes available.
Best Home Workout (LIIFT 4) To Build Arm Muscle Strength For Women
5 things that helped me make peace with needing hearing aids at 34 years old
I'm Getting Hearing Aids at 34 Even Though I'm Terrified
8 ways to help you make the medical appointments that you're avoiding
Four strategies to help you finally call and make the medical appointments you know you need but are terrified of making because of fear of bad news from the doctor or general health anxiety.
I avoided getting my hearing tested for at least five years after I should have gone for a baseline test due to a family history of genetic hearing loss.
Here are the four strategies I used to help myself make an appointment with the Audiologist (and go) even though I was terrified of what the results of the visit would mean and wanted to continue to avoid it.
My Number One Favorite Relationship Tip To Help Your Partner Feel Appreciated | Move. Learn. Grow.
Move Learn Grow is a newsletter created by Lauren Baker for adventurous women who want to lead an ambitious whole-hearted life. Lauren Shares Curated Content that includes free home workouts, habit tips plus ways to decrease your resistance to fitness, and helpful books, online courses or podcast so you too, can never stop learning.
This newsletter we talk about relationship tips, austin kleon’s book show your work, three workouts by Amoila Cesar, and the Bladder Blueprint Course by Amanda from Make Manifest.