I’m so glad you found the girl squad!
Thanks so much for requesting access to the girl squad!
I hope that you’re already taking advantage of your BODi membership and this is just the next step in making the journey more fun. If not, make sure you check out the list of all the sample workouts in one place here to get a jump start figuring which one is your fav. My personal favs are anything by Autumn Calabrese, Elise Joan, or Joel Freeman!
You’re one step away from gaining access to the girl squad.
There’s just one thing we need to verify before we give you access.
Your BODi membership (email address) need to be connected to Lauren Baker’s (or another coach in The Girl Squad like Lauren’s bff & co-coach Marcie Duey) in order to for your request to be approved.
Here are directions on how to check, if you’re unsure on whether your account is linked already; however, Lauren automatically approves anyone already linked to her, so if you are receiving this, likely you will need to attach her to your account.
here are the directions on how to attach lauren to your account:
Click here to go to the coach change form
Information you need: lauren’s email address and full name
Lauren Baker | lauren@girlsquadfit.com
Fill out the coach change form and email lauren@girlsquadfit.com to say you have completed it. Once Lauren receives confirmation from BODi, she will automatically approve your request.
Please Note: If you have worked with a Beachbody Coach in the past: we encourage you to reach out to that coach about any active groups they have before changing coaches out of respect. You may switch coaches at any time, but consistency is helpful in your fit journey.
example of form with lauren’s information typed in the correct spots.
directions on determining your coach
Download the beachbody on demand app or log into www.beachbodyondemand.com
Double check that Lauren Baker or Marcie Duey are listed as your coach
If they are not listed as your coach and you have not worked with a Beachbody Coach before: fill out the coach change form here to connect your account with Lauren / Marcies *must occur before being approved for access to the girl squad. Click here for step by step directions.
If you have worked with a Beachbody Coach in the past: we encourage you to reach out to that coach about any active groups they have before changing coaches out of respect. You may switch coaches at any time, but consistency is helpful in your fit journey.
directions: who is listed as your coach?
website directions
*click on the “BOD Groups” tab at the top of the website page, then scroll to the bottom where it should list “Lauren Baker” or “Marcie Duey.”
the bod app directions
*click on the “Groups” tab on the bottom of the app and scroll to the bottom, where it should list “Lauren Baker” or “Marcie Duey.”
Lauren & Marcie co-run the girl squad. Lauren Baker runs girlsquadfit.com, while Marcie runs marcieduey.com. Marcie is my (Lauren’s) coach, so it shows her profile when I log into the app.
directions for changing your coach
Information you need: coach email address and coach name
Lauren Baker | lauren@girlsquadfit.com
Marice Duey | marciecbaltz@gmail.com (Baltz is Marcie’s maiden name)
clear form example
example for Lauren Baker
example for marcie duey
wrap up
Once your coach change form has been submitted, shoot Lauren or Marcie an email to let them know to look for you being attached to their account, so you can get added to The Girl Squad ASAP.
If you decide that you’d rather join a different group or are no longer interested in joining The Girl Squad for whatever reason, please email as well so we can reject your request.
please note:
All requests to The Girl Squad will be rejected after 30 days if a requested account has not been attached to Lauren Baker / Marcie Duey or they have not been notified that the account is already attached another coach that is a part of The Girl Squad network.
If an individual’s request is rejected, they can re-request at any time if they are in agreement to attaching their account to a coach in The Girl Squad Network (Lauren or Marcie).