Free Workouts — Girl Squad Fit

The reason you don’t have a fitness routine is because there’s too much resistance around it or you haven’t found a style that works for your life (home workouts!).

Let’s tackle both obstacles, together, so that you can do the ambitious things your heart calls you to do, in an energetic whole-hearted way.

to figure out whether home workouts are your style (even if you think you’ll hate them like I did 5 years ago) put in your info and you’ll get 10+ free workouts linked in the pdf for easy access.

In addition to accessing the free workouts, we’ll introduce you to The Girl Squad: a community of ambitious women who support one another through fitness & life’s adventures. We’ll help you be consistent in your workouts, but more than that — we’ll remind you that you don’t have to do this fitness or life thing alone.

Plus, we’ll teach you (aka learn together) about habit formation & nutrition so you can tackle this part of your life without dropping your other priorities or letting anyone down. You’ll also get emails twice a month (fit issue & an ambition issue) filled with fit tips, love notes on self-grace, & my favorite things that other ambitious women are doing to create impact in this world.

If they’re not your thing, unsubscribe at any time <3



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