I’m so glad you’re excited to hear about my experience with Wandering Aimfully:

an un-boring group coaching program + lifetime (free) access to the online course creation platform teachery.co

…and why it’s an insane deal if you want to create an online course (now or in the future).


This article contains affiliate links: which are a way we earn income for recommendations at no extra cost to you, for more information click here.


When I got into the online space, I was a physical therapist with zero online business skills.

I didn’t know how to set up a website, sell things online, start an email list, or launch an online course.

I needed help.

I also knew, that if I bought an online course for each of those things, I would be spending a ton of money. Let’s be honest there is a lot to learn and master in order to make money in a sustainable way online.

I also knew that while working full time it would take me a little bit longer than someone who was spending 40 hours+ a week on their business.

I needed mentors, but I wanted mentors that would help me find balance in a world where I was already doing a lot.

Luckily, I found Caroline from Wandering Aimfully when I was spending endless hours searching for “branding ideas,” on pinterest.

I took her free branding email course and was hooked. This girl was fun, emotionally honest, and creative. I loved her designs and that she helped me clarify what I wanted my business to look, feel, and sound like.

Caroline is a master at business branding, design, and inserting humanity and whole-hearted growth into the online business. Her husband, Jason, who is the other half of wandering aimfully, is the action-oriented rebel who reminds us it’s okay to do things differently.

With their lifetime access to online group coaching, every course they’ve ever created, and everything they’ll ever create in the future — buying into wandering aimfully is by far the best thing you can do for your business, especially if you want to create an online course.

You see, most online course platforms require you to pay a monthly subscription of $40-120/month to host your course, sell it, and then have people access it.

With your wandering aimfully membership, you get access to Caroline and Jason’s online course hosting platform, teachery.co for free for life.

…did you hear that? for the rest of the years you’re on this earth.

Let’s just say that you’re 34 year olds (like me in 2021) and you decide to host an online course for 20 years, because it seems like a solid way to make money selling the knowledge locked in your brain (seriously, share that sh*t).

The $2,000 you’ve paid to be a part of Wandering Aimfully to learn how to create an online course, set up an online business, and brand that business/website (+ have access to teachery.co for free) will be a savings of $7,600 compared to just creating a course and paying to host it on teachable.com ($39/mo) or thinkific ($39/mo). The math: $39 x 12 months = $468/year x 20 years = $9,360 - $2,000 = $7,600 in savings.

In fact, if you have any interest in hosting an online course for more than 4 years, the wandering aimfully lifetime membership is an absolute no-brainer. The $2,000 you pay to have access to every single online course they have and the teachery.co platform will pay itself off just by hosting the course for four years.

The best part though? by hosting your online course for free, you release the pressure from yourself and allow yourself to grow at your own pace, without feeling like you’re “wasting money” if you’re still learning how to sell your course effectively.

It gives you time, space, and freedom to experiment, create, and serve in a way that is sustainable and a heck of a lot less stressful.


Let’s just say that you’re not sold yet, ya know just in case.

You’re still leaning toward going with thinkific or teachable because that’s what a friend is using. No worries, but ask yourself this:

  • do you have a website set up yet?

  • what are your brand colors, fonts, phrases, words (that convey a specific feeling)?

  • do you know how to structure an online course or create one?

  • what about an email list or marketing bridge to turn leads into online course customers?

These are all considerations, because my friend - if you build it, they won’t come.. if they cannot get there.

You need to build a road directly to your online course with street signs, directions on how to get there, and some marketing that tells them this course is going to solve their problem or teach them something cool.

Typically, we’re not taught this in school (unless you have a marketing degree), but for those of us Physical Therapists, Teachers, and Healthcare providers — well, we’re often left to figure it out on our own through trial and error.

…but not you, girlfriend, not today.

this is why I’m obsessed that wandering aimfully gives you everything you need in one place.

for the beginner:

online courses to teach you how to create an online business when you’re first starting

Use Caroline and Jason’s Signature 5 Step Process to make sure you’re setting up your business in a sustainable way.

An online course that takes you on a week-by-week, 6-month journey to help you transition from client work to running a successful digital product business (PTs, teachers, and healthcare workers, I’m looking at you for this one!)

A complete online course that takes you from no clue about branding to having a put together squarespace website with fonts, colors, and graphics. It’s everything you need in one place, trust me (the first course I took!).

Gain confidence in your writing with Jason Zook and Chantel Hamilton. This online course will help you to write better articles, sales emails, or course content just like this, it all starts by giving yourself permission to NOT be perfect.

for the beginner:

online group coaching calls to teach you specific skills you’ll need for a successful online business and online course.


for the online course creator:

online courses to teach you how to create and sell an online course (now or in the future, lifetime access remember?)

an online course by Caroline on how to create AND sell your very first online course

An online course by Jason and Omar (creators of teachery.co) on how to create an online course and launching it via a webinar

an online course about how to specifically create an online course using teachery.co


for the online course creator:

online group coaching calls (& recordings) to teach you specific skills you’ll need to increase profit/sales in your online business and online course.


for the online course creator:

host your online course for free for life using teachery.co with wandering aimfully lifetime membership: aka $0/mo for life.

ok lauren, this sounds awesome, but tell me a little bit more about Wandering Aimfully

I personally have been a part of Wandering Aimfully since 2017. Caroline & Jason have both been instrumental in my ability to find my north star in how I want to show up authentically in the online space & create the impact I feel called to without sacrificing myself in the process.

I would highly recommend following Caroline, Jason and their biz on instagram because they’re so inspiring.


What do I love most about the Wandering Aimfully Membership?

  • Access to Teachery the online course hosting platform for free, for life. This is a savings of $50/mo indefinitely. Have an online course for 3 years and that literally pays for your membership.

    This was what made $2,000 worth it for me, because it was definitely a jump at the time (I used my tax return to buy in, if I’m being honest!).

    I will be creating my first course with Teachery in 2022, so come along for the ride so we can create courses together.

  • A ton of courses (43+) on business: The Better Branding Course (website design), Build Without Burnout Academy (create a sustainable online business from scratch, their signature program), & additional courses on writing books/starting podcasts, marketing/sales, hand lettering (want to take this one!) and starting your email list.

    Pretty much how to do anything I want to do in the online and creative space in the future. Most importantly, they talk about selling in non-sleezy ways, because authentic selling & embracing your weirdness is the only sustainable/enjoyable way to do it (in my opinion!).

  • A community of creatives that support me in all my crazy ideas + are really entertaining + are always doing cool things & helping me learn. We’re all at different stages of life & business but it’s a collaborative, supportive, co-ed environment that is really cool to be a part of. With the wandering aimfully lifetime membership, you get access to their slack channel, where you can ask questions and interact with other online business owners (from beginner to seasoned).

  • Access to anything they make in the future for free: Since joining in 2017 I have gotten the following for free — Build without Burnout course, notion templates, squarespace templates, 22 live (& recorded) coaching sessions, access to two books that Caroline and Jason wrote and traditionally published, waim coaching robot (it’s so cute & helpful), and an upgraded teachery site.

  • Caroline & Jason are heartfelt biz mentors. This is huge for me as an empath & ambitious woman. I can get burned out really easily. Caroline & Jason Zook help you stay consistent in your business by taking authentic, purposeful action that won’t burn you out.

    Here’s the thing: your impact won’t happen if you’re miserable and having mentors that are successful but still prioritize mental/physical wellbeing and rest are so needed. Plus they have over 200 little audio tracks that they call the waim robot for a bit of encouragement when you’re struggling (how sweet are they?!).

how much will it cost?

WAIM Unlimited has two payment options.

  1. $100/mo x20 months = $2000

  2. $400/mo x5 months = $2000

In my opinion, $100/mo is totally do-able for those who are ready to invest in creating an online course. With every other platform for courses, you’d be spending ~$50/mo just to host your course for life.

With WAIM, you pay $100 for less than two years and then NOTHING for the rest of the existence of your course(s). Did I mention, there is unlimited courses? Yeah, total no-brainer.

Are there any bonuses?

I create bonuses for individuals who purchase during live launch periods (next one: Spring 2022). The bonus for purchasing now, is that you get secret access without waiting! Traditionally, if you were to go to the wandering aimfully website, you would have to get on the waitlist — but you can be invited by a member on off-launch times ;)

If you’re curious about caroline & jason
Learn More about them here…


anything else that I should know?

Sometimes, when I first hear about someone that sounds cool, I’m just not ready to jump in right away with a coaching program or big ticket item like buying someone’s entire future — like can’t we get dinner first?

So for me, when I want to get to know someone on a slower pace like 1950’s courting status (picture drive in with girls on roller skates status where the guy called you a week in advance) versus 2021 tinder app — I check to see if they’ve written any books.

I’m a huge fan of the way Jason thinks differently in: Own Your Weird and Creativity For Sale

Caroline literally speaks straight to my soul in her creative journal which I own & love: Your Brightest Life

This is where I’d start as well as following Caroline & Jason on instagram to see if they’re the right mentors for you, like they are absolutely without a doubt the best mentors for me.


If you would like to know about the next official launch of wandering aimfully (spring 2022), because you like joining programs with a bunch of other people - get on the waitlist and be the first to know when doors open.

Just so you know, if you decide actually you’d like access to create your online course before then, you can get access by purchasing anytime through the unique link here or any button above (knowing someone who has insider info is the best, right?!).


in the end, I’m so grateful to share this journey with you whether it’s as business besties, fitness friends, or because we both value living in a heart-centered way. Know that when you’re ready, the right mentor will find you & that whatever pace you’re going at right now, is fast enough.

with grace, lauren