How to Buy A New Bladder.

*affiliate links are located in this post, please see our disclaimer for more information.


If you’re like me, right now you kind of want to run out to Target, head to the personal care section and grab a new bladder off the shelf.

Trade yours in right now for a shiny new model.

One that doesn’t require you to run into the house while you dance around like a maniac so you don’t pee your pants (but then after all that effort still manage to leak 50% of the time).

One that doesn’t cause you to have to think about where a bathroom is located and mentally calculate the last time you went, wasting all that brain energy.

One that doesn’t let you down when you’re out and about, making you dab toilet paper to your pants to soak up urine or tie a sweatshirt around your waist, not because you’re cool, just until your pants dry.

Yep — let’s all head to Target and BUY A NEW BLADDER, together, friends.

…unfortunately, new bladders aren’t yet sold in stores.

But don’t fear, there’s still hope and you can IN FACT basically buy a new bladder, here, today — with me.

My pelvic floor therapist, Amanda, from Make + Manifest is graciously sharing her online course that will help us FIX OUR OWN BLADDERS.

I mean, when I think about it — I really am more of a DIY, up-scale what you already have girl than a “just go out and buy a new one if it’s broken” type.

So here I am — and here YOU are — with the opportunity to do just that:

Fix our bladders together —

with a little bit of knowledge
(from an expert: Amanda)

and a whole lot of courage
(straight from our hearts to our fingers to our wallets)

send me straight to the buy buttons, please ;)

introducing — the bladder blueprint

an online course by Amanda Davis
(a pelvic floor physical therapist)

One in three women have bladder issues, but “common” and “normal” are two very different things and I can guarantee you don’t belong in this statistic.

Whether you’ve been packing pads in your purse for decades or find yourself saying “shit…did I just pee?!” after a sneeze or as you’re locking your door after being out, here’s the truth:

You know all too well the frustration and embarrassment your bladder can cause.

Maybe you’ve tried everything out there but have a hard time staying consistent or you’re reaching desperation and just don’t know where to start.

Either way, you’re not alone and The Bladder Blueprint is the answer you’ve been waiting for.

No more declining laugh-til-you-cry girls’ nights out, dreading long road trips, turning the car around after a cough gone wrong, or passing up those cute colored leggings you know you’d rock at the gym.

There are realistic and research-backed ways to fix your bladder leakage, urgency, and frequency without crossing your legs (and fingers) and hoping for the best or endless kegels where you’re left wondering “was I even doing those right?!”

And they’re right here.

step 1 in how to stop peeing your pants

step 2 in how to stop peeing your pants

step 3 in how to stop peeing your pants

send me straight to the buy buttons, please ;)

Read all that and think, “Wow, that’s great Lauren, but this couldn’t help me — I haven’t had kids yet.”

Yeah, friend, me either — and it’s helping me.

It’s okay if you feel like your bladder is broken and the only person responsible is not a small infant, but your own body.

It’s kind of a sucky feeling if I’m being honest — at first.

Because here’s what you don’t know, because no one has taught you:


and that muscle and the ones that surround it (its girl squad if you will), they can get tight…

— from trauma, from exercise, from how we move (or don’t move), from IUDs (this is definitely strong speculation on my part), from life stress over time, and from not knowing how to let it relax.

No one has taught us these, ESSENTIAL skills to help us, until now.

Now you have the opportunity to learn from an expert from your home while you’re in your workout clothes, pjs, or joggers: from your couch or while taking a hot bath (why not? prop that ipad up on the toilet and let’s learn).

It’s literally never too late to re-train a muscle. Physical Therapists help newborns to 99+ year olds move better and relearn how to contract, relax, and strengthen the muscles in the entire body — including the ones between your legs.

So let’s say peace sign, middle finger to the concept of TMI (too much information) because that is a statement that kept women small and weak for too long — and it’s time to LET IT GO: FULL STOP.

Be brave and grab hold of ALL THE INFORMATION that you can get your hands on: to help yourself, your sisters, your mothers, and your daughters.

Amanda Davis a pelvic floor physical therapist for urinary incontinence

Amanda Davis, my personal pelvic floor PT and online business bestie who I’m so excited to share with all of you.


So what would it look like if you ditched those excuses and made your bladder health a priority?

Freedom to do what you want (when and how you want to do it) without your bladder holding you back.

Goodbye avoidance, worry, and “no thank you’s”, hellooooooo carefree, spontaneous adventure!

Fewer bathroom breaks, clothing changes, or middle-of-the-night wakings – aka time and energy for the things that really matter most because none of us have the energy or brain space to waste. 

Confidence, peace, and understanding in that same bladder that currently makes it impossible to unbutton your jeans fast enough or leaves you sighing four-letter words under your breath.

Truth bomb: there’s no need for profanities when your panties are dry and pelvic floor is strong.

wouldn’t it just feel better all around if you could count on your bladder to be the friend it’s supposed to be, instead of always thinking, “gosh, my bladder is the worst” …

Sigh…sounds so good, right???

Even if you can’t fully visualize a life free of bladder issues right now,

it doesn’t mean you can’t get there.

If my story doesn’t connect with you, Amanda’s might (in her own words):

“I’m back to running like the wind (well…kind of) and how-low-can-you-go squats after a pregnancy and third-degree tear that left me using pads just to go on an afternoon walk. 

I’ve worked with hundreds of women who now step out their front doors without stopping to pee first (gasp!), with coffee in hand and not a care in the world about where the next bathroom is. 

My strategy (and the reason it works) is about finding the root cause of your bladder issues, addressing it from multiple angles, and intentionally building on each little win over time with easy and attainable methods that fit seamlessly into your day.

And now? I’m giving you that same success at the click of a button.”

Wanna hear more? I definitely do.

an online course to help you stop peeing your pants by a pelvic floor physical therapist

Your A-Z guide to healing your bladder leakage, urgency, and frequency and resolving those issues forever and ever, amen…all with an intuitive and actionable 8-module, self-paced program, backed by a pelvic rehab therapist who’s lived through it too and a community of like-minded women who took the leap and are no longer stuck with their bladders calling the shots.

buy the bladder blueprint in the best option for you

*monthly payment plans are a limited time offer only available during live launches. currently available through 11:59pm 4/26/23

get to know the creator of the course, Amanda, my pelvic floor PT & online business bestie:

Amanda Davis from Make and Manifest a pelvic floor physical therapist specializing in urinary incontinence who created the bladder blueprint and online course to help you stop peeing your pants

bonus time!

Love getting free stuff?
Obsessed with a more personalized experience?
Always quitting on yourself and wondering why?
Enjoy hitting buy on the VIP option?

These bonuses from Amanda are for you:

*monthly payment plans are a limited time offer only available during live launches.
*currently available through 11:59pm 4/26/23


Are you the girl who is obsessed with reviews?

Maybe you read every single five and one star review — because you’re a love it or hate it person.

Maybe you feel more confident when you can read a person’s experience and seeing yourself in their shoes gives you hope.

No matter what, as humans — we love a good testimonial.

pelvic floor physical therapy online course testamonial
testamonial for the bladder blueprint an online course for urinary incontinence and urinary urgency by a pelvic floor physical therapist

If you’re ready to trust your body and have a bladder you can truly depend on – to run through life (maybe literally) without leakage – it’s time to join The Bladder Blueprint and get:

+8 Core Training Modules ($1200 value)

+12 Weeks of Text + Voice Message Access to Amanda ($200 value)

+A Pre-Course Mindset Module ($100 value)

+2 Core + Hip Strengthening Exercise Videos ($100 value)

+Exclusive Access to Our Private Facebook Community ($ Priceless)

Total: $1600+ for $397




(trust me, your bladder doesn’t just start cooperating magically without the tools to help it).

Can’t-stop-me-now confidence and dry-panties peace can be yours…starting with this single step.

$397 one payment option

$147 x 3 month payment plan

LIMITED TIME: Monthly Payment Plan $37 x 12 months *limited time option