all you need are workouts that are as fun and flexible as you are.
and and app that connects you with other women who get it.
That’s why my bff Marcie and I created The Girl Squad for ambitious women who want a clear path to get it done & a few friends for the climb.
Has your fitness journey so far looked like any of these?
You get hyped up about a program or workout, do it for a while, and then stop when life gets busy
You played team sports in high school or college and then started running because you didn’t know what else to do (and realize you actually aren’t a fan of running without purpose)
You went to the gym with your girlfriends only to spend 40 minutes on the elliptical “working out,” because you had no idea what else to do in there (wait you have to create a plan to get results?)
You find out you actually like group classes but realize they never fit your schedule and you cannot for the life of you spin five days a week at 530am.
I get it. If you’re like most of the women who have found The Girl Squad & Beachbody on Demand: you’re frustrated because every fitness routine you’ve tried before is either boring or doesn’t fit your schedule.
You probably feel frustrated at lack of physical progress (flat butt syndrome anyone else?) but more than that you’re probably sick of wondering why it is that you can’t seem to make fitness a habit.
You might even be wondering if it’s even possible for you or if you’re bound to wander this fitness wasteland trying seven million things while none of them work and you’re sick of spending brain power on how stop hitting the snooze and get yourself to work out for the love of all. things. holy.
“the last thing you want to do is wander around aimlessly in your fitness journey but without a fitness strategy & road map that is effective and fits into your life, that may be what you’re forced to do.”
If you’ve been working on creating a fit routine for any length of time, you’ve noticed that to be consistent with fitness you need:
Workouts that are fun, flexible and fit your life
Clarity on what to do next
An app for support, questions, and tracking
I’m here to tell you that you’re not alone in where you are in this journey (it’s where I started too).
In fact, there’s one thing that includes all three must-haves if you want to create a consistent fitness routine:
a beachbody on demand subscription (+ the girl squad in the bod app!)
Master your home workouts & create a consistent fitness routine.
don’t leave it at the bottom of your to do list.
it’s the number one thing that can effect all the other things you in your life.
It’s why millionaires have a high priority on exercise and why people who are fit make 9% more than their colleagues.
It contributes to brain health, heart health, and productivity.
It’s the number one reason why I’ve self-published three books in three years (2/2020-8/2021).
It changes how you move and then it changes how you see yourself, and that makes all the difference.
With the Beachbody on Demand Membership + Automatic Access to The Girl Squad (in the BOD app) you’ll get:
87+ nutrition and fitness programs (4+ added/year) & 2,300+ workouts you can stream anytime (online, in the app, or on roku, chromecast, apple/fire tv)
The Beachbody on Demand App with synched workout tracking, food/supplement tracking, and progress measurements (+ graphs for the nerdy visual folks like me!)
Access to The Girl Squad Group (in the BOD app) for support, 1:1 interaction with Lauren & Marcie, & ability to interact with the other ladies to create connection & consistency.
Monthly check in emails from Lauren (to keep ya updated on the new things + check in on how you’re doing!).
Podcast links, youtube videos, and motivational talks on all the strategies I’ve personally utilized to stay in the fitness game, injury free, and motivated since 2015.
Posts in the app about new launches, products, and events: be the first to know when fun stuff drops & have access to free giveaways of cute fit gear or products we love.
Step 1: Get Your Beachbody on Demand Membership Here
Step 2: Download the Beachbody on Demand App for Apple or Android. The Girl Squad Group (women only) or The Fit Fam (co-ed)
Step 3: Pick A Program (Recommendations: Beginner: 21 Day Fix Real Time or Intermediate/Advanced: Muscle Burns Fat)
Step 4: Learn How To Track, Post, & Interact in The Welcome Guide
A Beachbody on Demand Membership
+ The Girl Squad are a perfect fit for you:
Even if you think home workouts will be stupid (guilty!)
Even if you have no workout equipment at home
Even if you aren’t sure which program to start with
Even if you get bored easily and like to switch things up
Even if you have a lot of weight to lose
If you are:
Frustrated with not having a workout routine that you stick to
Tired of starting and stopping different workouts without feeling like you’re getting anywhere
Just want something that fits your life so you can get it done and stop worrying about it
Then a Beachbody on Demand Membership + The Girl Squad is right for you.
will this work for me?
If you know that health is important to you and that a consistent workout routine is vital to cultivating and maintaining health, then you’ve got what it takes to be a part of The Girl Squad and the larger Beachbody community.
You’ll find the majority of ladies in The Girl Squad are living busy, often chaotic lives — hello toddler years, newborn season, working professionals (lots of teachers & healthcare providers!), and military spouse life.
Yet, they are all fitting in their fitness because it matters and they’ve found a system that works (for them & with them).
Imagine how much faster you’ll get results (& keep them)..
when surrounded by women who are doing the exact same thing as you and sharing every win & struggle (we’re real over here).
Remember, it doesn’t matter where you are when you start — what matters is the system you use to get where you want to go and the ladies who support you along the way.
Since you’re here it means you’re already ready for a change of pace and you’re looking for something different that will help you stay consistent in your workouts.
Imagine this:
You wake up and your alarm goes off, you get out of bed without hitting the snooze and within 10 minutes you’ve already walked downstairs to do your workout.
You’re not worried about being sluggish because you’re making your pre-workout and in five seconds you’ll be drinking it.
You walk to the tv and pull out your workout calendar, you check your last x’d off workout and the name of the next one on the list. You pull up your BOD app on your computer, phone, or roku and scroll to the workout that was listed.
Within 15 minutes you’re hitting play (after you tie your shoes of course) and you’ve spent not one minute wondering wtf you were supposed to do.
Within 30-45minutes you’re done, you check in with The Girl Squad to say hi & you’re off to master the rest of your day with the same quiet confidence you just crushed your workout with.
While your brain, body, & soul are happy — you’re just proud of yourself for showing up and that’s enough.
What would your life look like if this was your story too?
You have a choice:
Keep doing what you’re doing and maybe eventually find something that works but probably spend a lot of time wasted on worrying if what you’re doing will get you the results and consistency you want.
Get your Beachbody on Demand Membership now + Grab access to The Girl Squad with immediate fun, flexible workouts that fit your schedule and support from ambitious women who view life as an adventure just like you.
*if you want to grab the equipment for free with a bundle click on the program link below
Then scroll to the “ready to do the full program” or “bundles” section for a full list of options.
Newest Releases: Sure Thing. XB Sweat and Sculpt. Liift More. Fire and Flow. 4 Weeks for Every Body. Job 1. 645. Let’s Get Up. 9 Week Control Freak. 30 Day Breakaway. 10 rounds. Muscle Burns Fat (MBF)/MBFA. 21 Day Fix (best for beginners). Barre Blend. Transform 20. The Prep/The Work. Morning Meltdown 100. Liift4. 80 Day Obsession. 21 Day Fix Extreme. Mes De Mas.
Additional Programs: 22 Minute Hard Corps. 3 Week Yoga Retreat. 3 Day Refresh Yoga. Brazil Butt Lift. Body Beast. Chalean. Cize. Clean Week. Core De Force. Country Heat. Double Time. T25. PIYO. Shift Shop. Hammer and Chisel. Youv2.
try the workouts for free all in one place.
My Story
In 2015, my boyfriend was on a year-long deployment to Afghanistan and I was working as a Physical Therapist.
While he was gone, I started really looking at myself in the mirror —
and I felt defeated.
I was frustrated because I was a total hypocrite…
As a Physical Therapist, I was literally prescribing exercise all day long to patients, but I couldn’t figure out how to stay consistent in my own workout routine.
I knew that a consistent fitness routine was imperative to a healthy life, so why was it that I was struggling so much?
every time I saw myself in the mirror,
I would stare back frustrated, UNCOMFORTABLE & SELF CONSCIOUS.
I couldn’t help wondering if anything was ever going to work
or if it’d just get worse from here…
I remember thinking, “when my boyfriend gets home from deployment is he even going to find me attractive anymore?”
It was a dark moment because I didn’t feel confident in my own skin.
Then my bff, Marcie, told me that she dropped 8lbs with home workouts & this shake thing that helped kicked her bloating. I felt bloated basically all the time, so while I didn't believe it would work for me and I knew I would hate home workouts, I said yes.
I was trying to find a workout routine I didn’t hate and could magically stick to and she was my bff, so at least I’d get to spend more time with her in this online group she kept talking about.
Five+ years later, I’m obsessed with these home workouts. I enjoy checking off each workout on the workout calendar almost more than checking off things on my to-do-list.
More than anything, I love connecting with other women in The Girl Squad app, because it reminds me constantly that I am not alone on this journey & if they can show up, so can I. We share tips & tricks & remind each other that our pace is fast enough.
There is hope for the struggling. I know because I’m on the top of that mountain reaching out my hand to you to pull you up.
On the other side of that purchase button is a place where you can create a fitness routine you love (or at least don’t hate), that is as flexible as you need it to be, with women who are committed to answering all the questions you have as you start this journey & make it about more than just fitness.
*available via the challenge pack bundles
add on the performance line &/or shakeology
What If I Don’t Use My Membership or Decide I Don’t Like It?
All supplements and Beachbody on Demand memberships have a 30 day money back guarantee. If you don’t like it, create a return or cancel your membership by contacting customer service 24/7 here.
Do I Have To Use The Supplements?
To request access to The Girl Squad or Fit Fam we do not require any use of supplements. If you’d like support but haven’t tried the supplements yet or aren’t planning to request access to The Girl Squad here or The Fit Fam (co-ed). We recognize everyone is on their own journey, but honestly, I use almost everything weekly so I do highly recommend trying them if you haven’t yet!
Can I Use Equipment I Buy Off Amazon Instead?
We do not require you to use any specific equipment from beachbody in order to be in The Girl Squad or the Fit Fam. We recognize that sometimes it’s easier to purchase from amazon or other retailers or it might be cheaper. At times, we will link amazon or other retailers for ease, but we do recommend buying the Beachbody brand because we trust their quality of products and know without a doubt it will work with the programs.
Sometimes, moves do not translate well with other equipment if the dimensions are different so please be careful and note dimensions on equipment prior to purchase (specifically adjustable benches for liift more and steps for 9 week control freak and Transform 20).
Should I Really Use The App?
We believe that community is the number one indicator of consistent success (and so does science!). We have run The Girl Squad since 2015 and plan to run it until we’re 90. We’d love to have you join — but it isn’t a requirement in order to do beachbody on demand workouts.
Is Beachbody on Demand A Good Deal?
Yes, 1 million percent without a doubt yet. While prices do change sometimes based on cost of production, inflation, and other things, Beachbody on Demand is consistently a low cost, high quality fitness platform. The workouts are fun, flexible, and can fit literally any lifestyle or season.
Will I Get Bored With The Workouts?
Not likely, but if you do there are options. Switch it up with a week long program, ditch a program that isn’t your style even if you’re only half way through, or grab a BODI (beachbody on demand interactive) membership (~ $20/mo) and grab live classes including cycling, pilates, yoga, lifting, and cardio.
I get bored with workouts super easily and 7 years in, I have more than enough to keep me fit and entertained.
What If I “Fall Off The Wagon?”
The biggest thing about “falling off the wagon,” isn’t the fall. It’s knowing how to mount it again. We all have weeks we don’t work out or get sick or get injured. Our goal is NOT about avoiding those normal parts of life altogether, they’re about equipping you with skills so that you know exactly what to do when it inevitably happens (because it will).
One of the things I’m most proud of is after a few years, I never once worried about what would happen if I simply stopped working out. I knew if I did have week gaps it was because of a tough season but that with The Girl Squad I would be reminded on the weekly that I could jump back in at any time and that I was capable of that.
One thing I will say is that being active in The Girl Squad is crucial for this. If you’re not active and being reminded that it’s NORMAL and possible to work out in hard season, you may stop working out and not start again.
Are There Options For Support?
Yep — Request access to The Girl Squad or email lauren with questions.
What If I Get Injured or Can’t Workout For Some Reason?
Did you know Lauren is a Physical Therapist and has a youtube channel for injury prevention and helpful tips? You can check it out & subscribe here.
If you’re injured and unable to workout there are also a few ways to still use your BOD account:
Catch up on nutrition info in 2B Mindset or Portion Fix
Use the recipes in the BOD app to cook healthy, delicious meals
Check out the meditation programs to calm your mind and help heal your body quicker
If it’s a smaller injury and it’s approved by your PT/MD, try searching “recovery workouts,” or “foam rolling” in the BOD app to give some extra love to those muscles