Everything You Want To Know About Job 1 By Jennifer Jacobs — Girl Squad Fit

Everything You Want To Know About Job 1 By Jennifer Jacobs


Here are all the details about Beachbody’s newest program for winter 2021: Job 1 by Jennifer Jacobs which is releasing in December 2021. Job 1 is a 20 minute workout 4 week program that includes cardio, strength training, and optional cycling workouts, which can be accessed with a beachbody on demand subscription or trialed via the free job 1 sample workout linked in the post. Updated as new information becomes available.

Lauren Baker is a bodi affiliate. This post contains affiliate links, please see my disclaimer for more information.

skip to the good stuff.

  1. General Info On Job 1

  2. Equipment Needed

  3. Try Job 1 Sample Workout

  4. Example of workout Calendar

  5. My Review of the sample workout

  6. My Honest Review & Tips For Completing Job 1 (coming soon)

  7. Promo Video of Job 1

  8. Job 1 Program before and after results

  9. Check Out The Investment To Get Started With Job 1 Today

  10. Check out The Girl Squad in the BOD App

  11. Grab All The Sample Workouts in One Place

what is Job 1?

Job 1 is the newest Beachbody at home workout program (launching December 2021). It was created by Super-Trainer Jennifer Jacobs, who also has a previously live Job 1 workout from 2021’s Beachbody Summit and live cycling workouts on BODi (Beachbody on demand interactive).

What makes Job1 fun is that it’s the first time any program is focusing on making fitness, self-care, and nutrition AS important as your full-time job. Because in the end, if we don’t have our health — we’re not able to DO any other “jobs.”

Job 1 is a beachbody workout program that is designed to be 20 minute workouts, five days a week, for four weeks and can be accessed with a beachbody on demand subscription.

It’s also the first beachbody program to be filmed in French (I don’t speak French, but if you’re in France and want to do Job 1, then you get a fluent french speaking super trainer for this program vs just voiceovers / subtitles), which I can imagine results in you doing awesome celebratory dances in your kitchen to France’s version of Taylor Swift (or maybe even actual Taylor Swift).

The Equipment You’ll Need:

Light, Medium, Heavy Weights (Dumbbells)
Resistance Loops
Stationary Spin Bike (optional)

Additional Information on Equipment:
To see all the workout equipment I have for any workout, check out my home gym.

I personally like having at least 3-4 sets of weight so that I can switch easily. I currently use: 5lbs ankle weights (just hold them in my hands - although if I bought them again I’d buy 10lbs adjustable ankle weights), 10lbs dumbbells, 15lbs dumbbells, and adjustable weights that I utilized from anywhere from 7.5-35lbs.

the job 1 sample workout (located halfway down page)

Want to learn more? Here are all the details on the workout program

  • 28 workouts (3 days of strength training, 1 day endurance cardio, 1 day of HIIT, 4 bonus cycling workouts you can switch any cardio day with)

  • Workout Calendar to x off each workout on so you don’t lose track

  • 20 minute total body workouts

  • Equipment: Dumbbells, Resistance Loops, and optional stationary bike
    For all the equipment I use: check out my home gym.

  • Great For: Busy humans (all of us?), people who want a no-nonsense supertrainer who is going to motivate them, peloton fans, people who are excited about cycling, people who love using resistance loops (me).

  • When can you access job 1 on beachbody on demand?
    *requires VIP access until Spring 2022, which is an additional purchase

    • Preferred customers and/or Coaches: December 2, 2021 - December 15, 2021

    • Customers: December 16, 2021+

    • JOB 1 releases to BODi: Spring 2022 (typically 4-6 months from initial release)

Here are the details on the sample workout:

  • 20 minutes

  • Equipment: Dumbbells and Loops

  • Focus: total body with emphasis on arms, booty, and cardio

*the sample workout will be located halfway down the page.

ready to workout with Jennifer now & don’t want to wait until the sample workout gets here on the 15th?

Try her cycling workouts (pictured below) with a bodi subscription

Try her Summit Job 1 Live Workout (dumbbells and resistance loops) Here

review of the job 1 sample workout

First impressions:

I did the sample workout the week it came out, but then life happened and it’s taken me a few weeks to update this blog. My initial thoughts are OH MY GOSH THIS PROGRAM IS FABULOUS.

I could end it right there and say do it with me in January and let’s be friends — but I know you want more than that, so here goes.

I loved that she broke it up into sections because it was very easy for my brain. She used the band loops to work your arms, weights for your core, body weight for cardio, and then weights to work your booty.

Each section was like 5 minutes so it went by super fast.

What is Jennifer Jacob’s Style in Job 1?

She’s got a pretty put together, no-nonsense vibe going on. I love that she wears shiny clothes too, I don’t know why but I love how each trainer has their own personality shine through in their wardrobe as much as their moves.

She’s big on education, which I also dig. I’m not sure how she does it but she was calm, collected, and talked almost the entire time — while also doing the moves with you.

If you’re a “love when a supertrainer works out with me,” person this program will be one of your favs. I love that there is a cardio spin bike option, because I am curious about spin workouts but haven’t really had an excuse to do them (I mean I’d rather lift weights, just saying!).

But spin bike workouts might be fun and new and entertaining so I will definitely use our spin bike (bowflex C6, but super jealous of everyone who has a myx fitness bike..) for the first time when I do this program (we’ve only had it for over a year, all my cardio haters will understand, don’t worry #batman uses it in the winter).

Honestly, I would totally do this sample workout again if I needed a quick 20 minute workout because it was so fun and also effective. If you try it out, make sure to let me know what you thought in the comments or via email.

How much more consistent would your fitness and nutrition choices be, if you knew it was something you needed to do, something you had to do. Why? Because your health is not an option. It is your priority and your number one commitment. It is your job.
— jennifer jacobs

watch the job 1 workout program promo video


For most updated photos of results, check out the Job 1 instagram page here.

ready to do job 1 with jennifer jacobs?

Job 1 will be VIP access until Spring 2022, which is an additional purchase (usually ~ $50) in addition to your Beachbody on Demand subscription.

Bundle options will be available:

  • Preferred customers and/or Coaches: December 2, 2021 - December 15, 2021

  • New Customers: December 16, 2021+

  1. Job 1 only (do not need access to bodi) $59.95

  2. Job 1 via bodi subscription

*includes job 1

AUTHOR: Dr. Lauren Baker, DPT, PT, ATC, MTC is a Physical Therapist & Certified Athletic Trainer, Online Fit Coach, Self-Published Author & Military Wife who has been trying to run away to the circus since 2012 & does aerial in between her home workouts.

She is obsessed with sharing her journey, adventures & knowledge so that you know that literally, ANYTHING is possible with a little bit of Google & a WHOLE lot of courage.

ps let's hang on instagram.


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