wrist — BLOG — Girl Squad Fit


The Best Hand and Finger Stretches For Athletes, Gamers, Guitar and Piano Players

This video will help with:

  • Hand and finger stretches to improve flexibility

  • Finger sprains that have resulted in decreased mobility

  • Finger stretches for guitar players and gamers

  • Finger stretches for trigger finger

  • Finger stretches for climbers and piano players

  • Potential relief of hand, wrist and finger pain

How To Complete Median and Radial Nerve Glides

Here are two nerve glide exercises to decrease shoulder, wrist, hand pain and tingling without surgery. Median and Radial nerve glides are the most common to inflict dysfunction including radiating arm pain, numbness and tingling in the arms to the fingers, aching pain in the forearm, and difficulty raising your arm above 90 degrees.

The radial nerve glide and the median nerve glide can help with carpal tunnel symptoms and often assist individuals in avoiding carpal tunnel surgery.