How to set up amazon affiliates in five easy steps to create an additional stream of income for bloggers, physical therapists, website owners, and other innovative women who want to create as many money trees as possible to diversify risk and create wealth.
My Coach Story
In 2015, we were in the middle of a year long deployment. I found myself over-worked, exhausted, & frustrated that I wasn't any closer to achieving the "American Dream." I was sacrificing my health in order to work full time, pay off $151,000 in student loan debt from PT school, & fit in time with my friends/family. I gained 15lbs, felt uncomfortable in my skin, lacked energy, & wasn't exactly clear on how to feel success while doing this adulting thing.
How do you earn money as a coach?
How do you earn money as a coach? Is this one of those pyramid things? Wait, I thought those things were illegal. Let's get the facts straight: there are two ways to earn money as a beachbody coach (25% commission on sales & a passive income stream called team cycle bonuses which occur ONLY when your coaches in your downline also have success). Most people in America don't have $1,000 in their savings account for emergencies, so it's ok if you choose to earn differently than most people do. You're not into living like everyone else anyway right?!