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My Coach Story

My Coach Story

In 2015, we were in the middle of a year long deployment. I found myself over-worked, exhausted, & frustrated that I wasn't any closer to achieving the "American Dream." I was sacrificing my health in order to work full time, pay off $151,000 in student loan debt from PT school, & fit in time with my friends/family. I gained 15lbs, felt uncomfortable in my skin, lacked energy, & wasn't exactly clear on how to feel success while doing this adulting thing.

How do you earn money as a coach?

How do you earn money as a coach?

How do you earn money as a coach? Is this one of those pyramid things? Wait, I thought those things were illegal. Let's get the facts straight: there are two ways to earn money as a beachbody coach (25% commission on sales & a passive income stream called team cycle bonuses which occur ONLY when your coaches in your downline also have success). Most people in America don't have $1,000 in their savings account for emergencies, so it's ok if you choose to earn differently than most people do. You're not into living like everyone else anyway right?!