beachbody sample workout

Best Home Workout (LIIFT 4) To Build Arm Muscle Strength For Women

LIIFT 4 is a four day, 8 week total at home workout program by Joel Freeman that includes 32 total body workouts that can be done in 30-40 minutes a day with minimal equipment. Includes a full honest review of LIIFT 4 (in progress) and why women should absolutely build strong arms.

Try Muscle Burns Fat Advanced - A 40 Minute Per Day Home Workout Program

Muscle Burns Fat Advanced is a 3 week at home workout program available on beachbody on demand that includes 21 total body workouts that can be done in 30-40 minutes a day with minimal equipment. It is to be done directly after Muscle Burns Fat for optimal results in a six week combined workout program.

Included are examples of the workout calendar, a full honest review, and tips to make your experience successful.