what workouts to do at home to lose weight

Best Home Workout (LIIFT 4) To Build Arm Muscle Strength For Women

LIIFT 4 is a four day, 8 week total at home workout program by Joel Freeman that includes 32 total body workouts that can be done in 30-40 minutes a day with minimal equipment. Includes a full honest review of LIIFT 4 (in progress) and why women should absolutely build strong arms.

What Is New in Beachbody | September and October 2021

The newest launches for Beachbody in September and October 2021. Includes upcoming news for the rest of Fall 2021 including Job 1 by Jennifer Jacobs, Beachbody’s Myx Fitness II Spin Bike, and BODI (beachbody on demand interactive) including BODI sample workout burn by autumn calabrese, Peppermint Mocha Shakeology, and Lets Get Up (including sample workout).

4 Unexpected Benefits of Beachbody's Barre Blend Home Workout Program

Barre Blend is an 8 week beachbody at home workout program that includes 40+ total body workouts that can be done in 30-40 minutes a day with minimal equipment (chair, resistance loops, and optional 1-3lbs weights).

Includes tips for completing barre blend, sample workout calendar, 4 unexpected benefits of completing barre blend, and links to the barre blend sample workout.

All the Details on Beachbody's 645 with Amoila Cesar

645 is a 13 week at home workout program that includes 78+ total body workouts that can be done in 45 minutes a day with minimal equipment (dumbbells and cloth resistance loops). 645 includes strength training, cardio, and an active warm-up with an emphasis on functional training and mobility to stay energized and moving well (with less muscle soreness!).

What Is New in Beachbody | August 2021

Beachbody is always coming out with super fun, new things that help us all stay engaged and motivated to master our home workouts. Here are all the new releases for August 2021. Updated 8/12/2021 with additional information (BODI by beachbody, myx fitness bike, and summit workouts on BOD).

Learn How To Run A 5k With Beachbody's Home Running Program 30 Day Breakaway

30 Day Breakaway is a four week, 30 day at home workout program that combines strength-based home workouts and guided audio runs for running outside or guided videos for running on a treadmill. It includes 68 total body workouts that can be done in 20-30 minutes a day with minimal equipment depending on the calendar you choose. The 30 day calendar will require you to complete 1-2 workouts/day for a total of 40-60 minutes and by the end you’ll be confident enough in your running to finish that 5k.

Updated 8/17/21 with full honest review of completed 30 day breakaway program.