
10 Must Haves For Your Home Gym

Have you ever wondered what you need in order to complete home workouts, well at home? Before working out at home became my favorite way to work out, I told myself and everyone else that I would never do it because it sounded so boring. In fact, now, I won’t go back to the gym because… who wants to share stuff?

Here is a list of all the things I consider a must have from injury prevention to equipment necessary for workouts to a few workout programs I’ve personally done at home and loved.

The Best Shower Head To Buy On Amazon

I had been complaining about how lame our inherited shower head was in the guest bathroom where I shower most mornings for over a year after we bought our house. My complaints were that the sprayer part (technical I know) was only on the outside ring, which left me no water in the middle. This was such a pain while shaving my legs because I had to search for an appropriate water stream that was strong enough to wash the little hairs off my razor. I also swore I wasn’t getting all the shampoo out of my obscenely thick hair. So this year during Valentine’s Day…