The Best Shower Head To Buy On Amazon

the best high powered shower head to buy for thick hair low cost and available on Amazon.

The shower head I’ll buy 100 more times & leave it in every place we move from because.. people deserve frustration-free showers.

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I had been complaining about how lame our inherited shower head was in the guest bathroom where I shower most mornings for over a year after we bought our house. My complaints were that the sprayer part (technical I know) was only on the outside ring, which left me no water in the middle. This was such a pain while shaving my legs because I had to search for an appropriate water stream that was strong enough to wash the little hairs off my razor. I also swore I wasn’t getting all the shampoo out of my obscenely thick hair.

So this year during Valentine’s Day, Batman (my boyfriend) asked what I’d like. Of course I had no clue what I wanted, so he thought we could do an “amazon gift swap,” by both picking gifts off amazon that were under $40. While searching, he was like, “haven’t you been looking for a new shower head?” BINGO — YES, YES I HAD. In fact, I had found one that had 1,000+ 5 star reviews, but still was skeptical. Can a super cheap shower head REALLY be that LIFE CHANGING?

I’m here to tell you, YES, YES IT FREAKING CAN. And here’s WHY:

  1. I struggle with an itchy scalp, call it scalp psoriasis or just dandruff, whatever you want (Doctors prefer not to diagnose you with something if you can treat it yourself over the counter in my experience). Either way, it gets definitely worse in the winter, I get build up on my scalp, and it itches & sometimes bleeds (it’s super gross & I hate it). This 40+ moderately high powered shower head faucet is literally like a scalp massage. It’s AMAZING. It reminds me of getting your hair washed at the hair stylist level. And when your scalp itches, it is such a relief putting your head under this shower head.

  2. There are SO MANY little spots where the water comes out that you can wash your razor SO EASILY. This was such an issue with my previously super lame shower head that I was getting annoyed at even the prospect of shaving my legs because it would take so much longer than I felt like it should. Now, I could wash the razor off blind folded. I wouldn’t though, because that would be weird. It comes in super handy though when you can’t see because your mascara is running down your face & into your eyes (or is that just me?).

  3. It feels AMAZING on your back. I almost feel like if there are any draw backs to this purchase it would be that I want to stay in the shower LONGER more than ever. I even look forward to showers, & if I’m being honest that’s a HUGE plus because showering is not that enticing since it takes me forever to do my hair & I hate pruney fingers. I mean I do it, but I don’t really look forward to it — NOW — totally cannot wait (87% of the time, I mean in the winter getting naked sometimes is hard!).

  4. It was stupid easy to install, which I did myself, while already running late before getting into the shower. It comes with tape to help seal the shower head to make sure water doesn’t leak out the sides & it twists on without any issues.

So here’s my recommendation, if you’re looking for a totally inexpensive way to upgrade your bathroom, get a gift for a spouse/family member/friend, upgrade your rental, or literally because you want the most glorious shower experience ever — grab the wassa high pressure shower head off amazon here . Trust me when I say, you will 10000% not be disappointed. & if you are — free returns, I mean it’s amazon so total win!

Banner Photo by Jose Soriano on Unsplash