Money is tight, what if it doesn't work out?

Don’t tell me where your priorities are. Show me where you spend your money and I’ll tell you what they are.
— James W. Frick

Before I became a coach, I had $1,200 student loan payments due every month on $151,000 in student loan debt and I was living by myself trying to make ends meet without losing my mind. I wanted to, no DESPERATELY NEEDED a way out that didn't involve working as a Physical Therapist SEVEN days a week. 

My best friend was doing this home workout thing, which sounded a lot like JAZZERCISE, drinking a chocolate milk shake that had these things called "superfoods" in them that supposedly helped kick your bloating AND chocolate cravings (is that possible?) and to boot it had an opportunity to make extra income while helping others do exactly what I was going to do. 

I thought it sounded like something out of the show "punk'd," but she was my best friend so I trusted her. I didn't want to end up with a bunch of products that I hated though - so I asked about 20 questions, stalked her coach Brittany LeGette on pinterest, and asked about my biggest objection -- PRICE. 

You see, I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on something I KNEW wouldn't work for me, get stuck with a bunch of product (don't you have to buy a ton of samples & stuff?), let alone tell others about it & ruin my credibility as a nice person.

Marcie assured me that I didn't have to tell a SOUL until I was a HUGE FAN of the product just like her and I could keep my minimalist ways because I only had to buy whatever I WANTED TO USE (I didn't have to get ANY samples!).  She also said something crazy, that if I didn't like the shake I could return it -- EVEN IF I DRANK THE WHOLE BAG.

I remember thinking, "that's like going to Starbucks for 30 DAYS and getting a latte every single day, then on Day 30, asking for your money back for ALL 30 LATTES because you're still TIRED." They would look at you like YOU'RE INSANE. But apparently  Beachbody is A LITTLE INSANE because THEY WILL give you your FULL money back. 

So, for the month of May 2015 I set aside $160 from my grocery/discretionary spending budget and SIGNED UP. I knew I was getting 30 days of meals so I factored that into my decision/budget!

I signed up for ONE PROGRAM + the nutrition containers + 30 days of Shakeology for $160 + tax/shipping. THEN after 7 DAYS I signed up as a Coach because my bloating, which I had been struggling with for YEARS (including trying to eat Metamucil crackers without choking) was GONE. I got to sign up for FREE as a coach because I bought the Challenge Pack option instead of only doing the workouts. 

Today, because Beachbody is A BOSS AT LIFE, they give you A YEAR ACCESS TO EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT PROGRAM ($6000 of programs not ONE like I got) + nutrition containers + 30 days of Shakeology for the SAME $160 Challenge Pack. Not sure if it'll work for you? They still have the same Money Back Guarantee even if you drink the whole bag as I got (& never used). 

If you're looking for more information and to see EXACTLY what comes in the Challenge Pack, check out our CEO, Carl Daikeler, explaining what I got for $160 (one program + shakeology) and now what YOU are lucky enough to have access to for $160 ($6000 of programs + shakeology)! & in the video they'll say it's $200 - but it's on $40 sale for 2018! 

If you're ready to sign up click here 

What if you sign up as a coach, you're totally into it one day and after a while - you realize it's just not your thing? How big of a hassle is it to cancel your account? If you cancel your account can you still be my customer? Click on the "cancel your account" link to find information on how to cancel your account (transparency is my JAM!).  And YES ABSOLUTELY, you can still be my customer even if Coaching isn't your gig.  You will continue to have lifetime access to our support groups on facebook & the app without question. Your coach account will cancel and automatically return you to a customer account using your initially registered email. 

If you have any specific questions fill out the coach application form  (no sign up - simply lets me know a little more about you so I can give you more detailed information). Interested in having an international business? The opportunity currently extends to the US, Canada, and the UK!

Not ready to share the opportunity yet, but would still like to concentrate on your health/fitness journey by working with me? Fill out the fitness application form and I'll be in touch!